Thursday, September 6, 2012


(My version of the movie "Eat, Pray & Love" as portrayed by Julia Roberts. In that movie, Elizabeth Gilbert steps out of her comfort zone, risking everything to change her life, embarking on a journey around the world that becomes a quest for self-discovery. in her travels, she discovers the true pleasure of nourishment by eating in Italy; the power of prayer in India, and, finally and unexpectedly, the inner peace and balance of true love in Bali. I find my recent vacation similar to it in terms of being able to find more meaning and satisfaction to life.)

"You look happy."
"I see you're glowing."
"Something's different about you."
"You've changed."
I couldn't count nor remember all the many similar compliments I've received when I got back from vacation.  I thought I knew all the reasons why I existed. I thought I exactly knew where I was headed. I thought my goals & ambitions were already set. Guam, Philippines, Thailand & Cambodia have drastically turned my life 360 degrees.

1. EAT 

Symbolically, eating means satisfying your wants & desires. 
In Guam, I found out that life wasn't all about work & preparing for the future. I used to be very preoccupied about reaching my goals & dreams based on my timeline. The beauty & comfort I experienced in Guam made me internalize the need to enjoy life as it is. People there live simply--unlike the US where it's stressful & very busy. People there work hard but their social  & spiritual life are healthy. I  found what I really wanted--a peaceful place with friends & family. My yearning to be in a place like that grew more intense.

Symbolically, eating means appreciating & enjoying the different types of cuisines. 
To be in Thailand for the 2nd time didn't really fascinate me but it's just now that I learned to appreciate the diversity of different cultures. My first time in December 2007 was a plain tour around tourists' spots.I used to have no patience in dealing with people who couldn't communicate well in English. Being in Thailand for the 2nd time taught me to give high respect & forget about my prejudice of other languages. This time, I got to appreciate their rich heritage, traditions, beliefs & lifestyle of that "Amazing" country. Going local helped me change my perception. Eating & tasting local food on the streets was more satisfying & meaningful than eating them in Thai restaurants. Going to Khao San road & seeing how the locals live made me appreciate them more. Taking public transportation such as buses & trains (3rd class to Cambodia & the railway system around Thailand) rather than hiring tour vans impressed me to be more practical & adventurous in life.

Spirituality is deeply understanding the purpose of our existence.
Cambodia was the best part of my vacation. This is where I found a deeper meaning to my existence. I thought all life was about is to reach my destiny of being up there as a prominent doctor's degree holder with a high paying job & an intimidating high position. I thought I'd be happy & contented with stability & achievements. 

There, I realized what made me truly happy were  the simple things in life. The orphans we visited had nothing but dark & painful pasts but their eyes were full of joy & contentment. Seeing that in them & experiencing genuine happiness when with them have opened my eyes to how fortunate we are. I'm embarrassed for my lack of gratitude to all the blessings I've been receiving from the Lord. There was no space for selfishness in my heart in that place.

This is what makes us truly happy.
I have been very skeptical & cynical about love for a very long time now. After the Cambodia trip, so many things about me changed. I haven't found eros love yet but I am open to it and am willing to take calculated risks for it. One of my close friends, whose name I wont mention, has also opened her heart after the Cambodia trip. The power of prayer in Cambodia has taken out the pessimism from my heart. The answer to where I will find my life-long companion is in ___________. hehehe. God only knows!

I'm honestly broke now. I have no more savings in my bank account; but I have gained memories, inner peace & a clearer direction which are priceless & more valuable.