Wednesday, August 8, 2012


People come and go. But according to Farah, that belief has changed because Klement has stayed in her life until now.

Klement is who we are. Klement is our family. The Klement family will always be part of us no matter where we are. For some, it is where we find acceptance. It is where we can be our real self. It is where we can laugh the most and cry the hardest. The bullying is a sign that we love and accept each other that no matter how flawed we are, we can laugh and joke about them without being offended. We are closely knitted that despite our many differences in values, principles, status, interests, cliques and AGE(ahem…bato bato sa langit), we get along well.

We were talking with Regin and we talked about each Klement who joined the KBM. He mentioned that it is only this time that he really got to appreciate and admire some Klements whom he wasn’t really close with before. I’d like to give tribute to each KBM member in this blog.

Lynelle Domingo—We were praying that God would touch your heart. Only six days before the KBM, you confirmed you were going to use your already booked air tickets. I was one of the happiest persons not just because I missed you but also because it meant I wouldn’t have to worry about playing the piano anymore. hehehe… You’re my savior! I couldn’t imagine our music ministry without Apple. I’ve seen your gift in dealing with kids. “Mother Theresa of Klement,” You’re advices are full of wisdom and I’m sure Pare will never forget you for that. Thank you for sharing your time, money, effort and most of all your talent.

Dodge Lecciones—His expensive airfare reflects how eager he was to join the KBM. I’m sure Klement missed having Dodge around since he wasn’t with us during our review. Although he was away from us for a longer time, he still has the Klement spirit in him. The new Dodge looks and sounds “imported” now--with the Kiwi accent and the flawless white skin. Despite those changes, he still is the fun, outgoing, and enthusiastic guy we all know. It’s only now that I found out that his weakness is hunger and sleep. I label Dodge as the “Gary V.” and “Bully King” of Klement. (peace Dodge!)

Delmer Valmores—When I first saw him at NAIA 3 waiting for me, I thought he was sick. hehehe.. I wonder why everyone thinks he’s feverish? hhhhmm… All I know is that he’s lonely and he needs someone to take care of him… Ahem ahem . I know Delmer for being a very good friend and I’m continually amazed of how loyal and caring a friend he is. To whoever Delmer will love, she’d be sure of this guy’s loyalty and undying love. (naa naman unta bah?) I’m glad Delmer has come with us. This guy had no issues, complaints, or “kaartehan.” You were the “neutralizer” of the group.

Charlotte Abenido—We were not really close with Charlotte before. I only knew him to be someone’s boyfriend. He was labeled as my “porter” because he was manly enough to carry my other bag. I never expected I would get to appreciate this man. I now salute and look up to him for being the most gentleman of all the Klement boys during the KBM (sorry boys, I’m just being honest). He’s a man of few words who has very good initiative. I’ve come to know him as a very kind and gentle guy and all of the girls are in awe because of that. The lady who owns your heart is truly lucky.

Cherry Mae Macumbo—I think you were the 2nd one who purchased a ticket for this trip, right? You were that excited! I was confident that the ministry part would go smoothly because you were with us. From delivering the sermon, to teaching songs, to singing tenor, alto or soprano, to cooking, to playing the guitar for singing band, to speaking Thai and Korean, etc…(Magplay pa diba unta ka ug recorder?) What else can I say? Ikaw na!!! You have it all…to be a minister’s wife…hehehe.. . I really look up to you, Che! Your missionary and outgoing spirit makes you extraordinary! Keep it up, girl! I’ll miss you terribly!

Mabelle Orog—I’m glad Mabelle made a great leap of leaving her comfort zone to explore and discover what’s outside Valencia..hehe.. We’ve been friends since high school but I’ve discovered more things about her during this trip. I found out she can be a great teacher. The love of ministry is seen in her actions. Mabelle has always been soft spoken and gentle in her words. I have never seen her angry, even when she was always bullied by Baijan...hehe.. A.K.A. "Joyce Jimenez," according to Franz Calipusan, she's beautiful inside and out. I'm glad I got to spend time with my close friend, Mabelle.

Farah Grace Salaveria--There is never a boring moment when you're with Farah. She's jolly, funny, energetic, fashionable, and active. At first glance you'd think that she's all vanity. Skin deep, she has the kindest heart I've ever known. Walang masamang tinapay sa kanya. During the trip, she was our energy bunny who kept going and going and going....siya ang babaeng hindi na lolow bat. She kept the group happy and positive. My friend, Farah, I hope you realize you've got it all (murag SM?). You're a whole package--body, beauty, brain, personality, attitude and talent. I hope she'd soon find her prince charming who deserves her. Girl, you're very dear to me and I'll miss you heaps!

Baijan Surmillon-- He was the most in demand person during the KBM. Everyone wanted to be with him; that's because of his "camera." hehe... I'm so honored to have him take our pictures for free. Being a photographer wasn't his only contribution. He also added life to the group because of his bully jokes. I discovered that he is really very fun to be with. Not only is he fun to be with, he is also very sensible to talk to. He loves metaphorical illustrations when he shares his wisdom about love and life. Dakbot shared something to me that impressed me very much. He moved to VSH despite the low pay and mentioned Jesus is more important than money. (clap! clap! clap!)

Nadine Faisa Tupas--I'm glad you decided to join despite the expensive airfare. I never doubted you'd join since you were always present in all Klement outings. Hehe... My heart leaped when we met at the airport. I almost didn't recognize you. You've blossomed and bloomed beautifully. You're intelligence, insights and voice have been very useful in our ministry. I admire you for being full of life, energy and never running out of words to say (pero matulog kung worship..hehehe). This experience is another addition to our memories Nadine friend... You're one dear friend whom everyone can always count on and I'll always remember you as such.

Ephraim Arriesgado-- I used to think he was nerdy, serious and very workaholic. It's funny how opposite he actually is now that I got to know him. I envy him not because of how knowledgeable he is but because of his rich experiences from travelling. I hope I can someday do what you've done--give up career for awhile to do what you're passionate about. He's the "Journeying James" who has captured the hearts of many female backpackers he has been with. I highly recommend Eppie my  magna friend to all the girls out there who would want to date a traveler. =) You wouldn't regret knowing this very intelligent and adventurous guy.

Roma Rica Dela Cruz-- I used to hang out in your room during our senior year but I'm glad we were given a chance to bond more during the KBM. If I were a boy, I would have fallen in love with you already. hahaha. Bitaw, seriously, what else would a guy look for? You have everything! Wife material, modest, responsible, beautiful, sexy, flawless, kind, confident, simple, fun to be with, cool, religious, etc. I discovered many more good things about you during the KBM. As what Pare said during our post-con (you were already at the airport that time), you're a charismatic, natural-born leader. I discovered that you just look feminine & fragile but you're actually always ready, always on the go and always excited to try new things. I love your optimism that is always reflected in your smile and encouraging words. I really loved your company! I look forward to another KBM with you as my travel mare again!

Oren Amoyar-- Her image this time is different. She was well behaved during the KBM (maybe because naa iyang kuya..hehe). I saw a different side of Oren this time. She's now serious and mature. =) I've finally witnessed she's really an experienced backpacker. Thank you for the tips you shared to us first timers. We learned a lot from you. I knew you're family runs a school and I discovered you are really trained and experienced in dealing with kids. (Sayang ang mga pictures sa nakawat nga camera Oren friend). Thank you for the effort of finding and preparing a backpack for me although wala naabot sa ako.hehe. I truly appreciate that!

Regin Reyno--The credit goes to you for initiating this KBM. I know you have been through a lot to make this event possible. You're actually a natural born charismatic leader, you just don't want to use it. When you say something, everyone listens because we know you're full of wisdom and experience (ahem...kuan naman gud...hehe). I hope you would use your leadership abilities more often. We've been close friends for quite a long time already and as time goes by, my appreciation and admiration to you as a person grows deeper. Thank you for being a good guy friend whom I can always count on. I am always praying for the best for you.

Jessielyn Palomo-- My ever sweet Mare friend has always been effective with dealing with kids. You played a great role in our Ministry. I believe this KBM is a great blessing to all of us, especially to you. I am happy to see the woman that you have become. Gwapa na kaayo ka samut frenny!!! All I ever want is for you to discover and appreciate who you really are. Always remember that I love you and I am always here for you. Thank you for spending time with us and accommodating us in your nice room. I am praying for the best for you.

Capt. Lowyn Amoyar—Who would ever think that our Consecration speaker would join us in our KBM. We thought it would be uncomfortable around Him but to our surprise, he was just like one of us. I hope I can be like Him who is very active and involved with young people even with His busy schedule and heavy responsibilities. He is truly a good, upright man whom we consider a good example.

Ging Amoyar—Ate Ging was very open in sharing her life and we learned from her own life story. I’m glad she decided to come. I’m sure the KBM was life changing for her. I would never forget how she often cried when she shared her experiences. hehe. Ate Ging, you’re now part of Klement (bully pud na sya ba..hehe)

Franz Calipusan—Franz has been known to be a really responsible guy. Although he wasn’t with us in Cambodia, his choleric temperament has really helped Pare in organizing this KBM. Thank you Franz for helping in making this KBM organized. From what I know he was in-charge of planning out our activities. Indeed he is a charismatic leader..hehe… I’d like to especially mention your girlfriend also, Jomarie Arnaiz, who was very supportive. Thank you so much to you both!

Edgar Petallo—I thought this very intelligent guy would be so hard to reach already. Despite having a high paying job, flawless skin and well-toned body, he proved that he still is a Klement. He was there despite his busy sched.  Despite everything he has already reached in life, he remains humble and bully (typical Klement..hehe). Thank you for the support, Gar, especially in helping out in facilitating our BAH singing band.

Ann Diel—Although Ann wasn’t often seen in Annex because of her status as a commuter, she proved that she belongs. I envy how her model-like figure is now more emphasized and flaunted. Ann took charge of our Siam Park adventure. For a very reasonable price, we had one of the best times of our life at Siam Park—delicious, satiating buffet food, thrilling rides, and fun memories. All thanks to Ann Diel!

Darling Pineda—She just arrived in Thailand and she showed her undying support to Klement. We know she’s still in the process of adjusting but she never failed to accommodate and accompany us. She took charge of our hotel reservations for immigration purposes. Thank you so much! It was great seeing you!

Shine Cuenca-Even in Annex, I have known Shine for having a good heart. Her kindness is manifested in her face. Thank you for extending your kindness to us. 

Osias Barliso—Kuya Osias or Manoy as what we fondly call him, has showed us his “Kuya” side, not only now but to many Klements who are in Thailand. The KBM group calls him “Land Lord” maybe because of his expensive condo unit. He joined us during our 12 hour train ride from Thailand to Cambodia and went back to Thailand the next day. That’s how supportive he was despite his very busy and demanding work.

Dianna Lynn Pellazar—Now known as Mrs. Maine, she still is the Jan2x we all know. I didn’t recognize her when we first saw each other at the airport. I was finally convinced it was Jan2x because of her smiling face. I don’t have words to describe how pretty and beautiful she is now. Looking at her, I tell myself I’d want to get married ASAP so I’d bloom just like her. Thank you for the kind accommodation!

Apple Pascua—Apple is new in Thailand and she works in the province. She really made an effort to join us despite those barriers. Being active, jolly and missionary-oriented, I know she wouldn’t miss that chance of going to Cambodia if she only had the choice. I’m pretty sure though that her prayers for the ministry was constant.

Rizia Munar—During our first meeting at Suvarnabhumi Airport, I was intimidated with her beauty & aura. She looked so sophisticated & rich! But her usual sweet smile, charismatic eyes & Ilongga accent comforted me that she’s still the “Wawa” we all know.

Jig2x Banogon—Oh, ‘twas a very happy time having Jig2x around at Siam Park. He still looks good, as usual. He still is funny, as usual. Most of all, he still loves the sight of beautiful creatures, as usual. One thing though has impressed me about how he is now--he is serious with his work & future. 

To all Klement Thailand, the KBM would have not been possible without each and every one of you!

Let us all keep the "Klement" spirit alive wherever we are!

1 comment:

  1. God bless "klement 2009" (KLEMENT THAILAND AND KLEMENT AROUND THE GLOBE) of your KLEMENT BACKPACKING AND MINISTRY in THAILAND-CAMBODIA, I hope that the once in a life time "experience" will bring you more closer to each other and above all to our Master Backpacker- JESUS who trek the unpaved road from His hometown Nazareth to Calvary, and will inspire you more to be a better backpacker heavenward, "just like the little lad he gave Jesus what he had, because little will becomes much when we place it in the master's hand". It is my prayer that our heavenly Father will abundantly and bountifully bless "your gentle hands" in all your endeavor in life. klement (KBM), thank you for the wonderful experience you shared with us.nice tribute Che. Mizpah
