Thursday, February 7, 2013

Glampacking With My Amiga

Symbolically, Wella is already a sister. We grew up together. Cheers to 25 years of friendship! Even if we had petty fights when we were growing up, we couldn't be separated since our moms were best friends. lol! She basically knows everything about me, the good, the bad, the very very very bad... I guess I know everything about her too. Do I? Unless she has some dark secrets No words are needed for us to understand each other. We can just sit together and be quiet for a few minutes, or even months without communicating because of our different lives and yet when we talk again, it's like as if we've never been apart. Our favorite pastime is foodtripping. =) I'm just so blessed I have someone like her. 

We can be really crazy, stupid, quiet, moody, fun and boisterous when we're together. Witty, smart,creative, independent, adventurous, wild and has sharp eyesight that's really keen in observing--what else can I say? She's a perfect travel buddy. 

Oh, plus she's addicted to taking photos. Plus, she's a professional blogger. With her permission, I have her links posted below which will help me recall details since I have a really really really bad memory.

Click on the links below:

*Prologue to an Unforettable Week

*Lapu-Lapu Shrine x Magellan's Cross 12.31.12

*Pavilion x KLCC x KLCC Park 1.2.13

*Touchdown Kuala Lumpur 1.1.13

*Getting to Malacca from Kuala Lumpur 1.2.13

*The Diverse City of Malacca, Malaysia 1.2.13

*Singapore Night Safari 1.2.13

Gracias mi amiga for the friendship, memories and fun...and of course for sharing your blogs!