Tuesday, January 29, 2013


"Je Ne Sais Quoi"
          Etymology: From French, literally, "I don't know what."
          Noun: An intangible quality that makes something distinctive or attractive.

To start with, I know it's not right to post about my personal feelings. Well, who cares?This is my blog. I just need an outlet for all these pent up feelings. Only people who care or are stalking read my blogs anyway.

Je Ne Sais Quoi: An intangible quality that makes something distinctive or attractive.
I don't know with others out there, but the thought that "Many things capture our eyes but it's rare to find something that captures our heart," is so true in my life. Throughout my life's journey, I've learned to love something maybe because of circumstances, experiences, ideals or conformity, perhaps. I've led my heart to love because there were reasons to. But feeling that magic or spark is phenomenal for me.

When something captures your heart, it's magical! It's unexplainable! It's attractiveness is distinct! It's enchanting charm is extraordinary! It has "je ne sais quoi." Don't get me wrong. I'm not talking about love at first sight. It's way different. It's deep, not superficial. I used to think this only happens in movies and storybooks. I thought this happens only to pathetic, weak and delusionary people. Well, guess what? It does happen in reality! If you're cynical about it, maybe you're just one of the unlucky ones doomed to not experience this phenomenon.

I tried analyzing why it does happen and this is my hypothesis. Our values, principles, beliefs, desires, experiences and interests are responsible in dictating to us what we really want in life. These things form our inner core. All of these combined outweigh our mind because it affects our emotions, choices, or our whole being I should say. They comprise the symbolical term commonly and abusively used, "heart." 
What the heart wants is stronger than what the mind thinks. These things dictate to us whether or not something makes us truly happy. Yes, we may choose to be happy but that's happiness with effort. Hehe When your heart is captured without reasons to explain why, maybe it's because you've found what you truly want in life. It's a reflection of what's inside of you. I then conclude that if something ugly and detestable captures your heart, it's simply what you have inside of you. 
       Finding that which captures your heart is rare. 
Pursue it for it can only come once!

Sad Reality
Females today have the freedom to pursue anything they wish to, except when it comes to relationships. In primitive times, females were the homemakers. Females are naturally designed to stay home and be submissive. Females have to be contented and creative enough in making use of whatever their husbands brought home. I know it has changed over the years. I'm glad it did! The sad reality though is that when females find someone with "je ne sais quoi," they're helpless and unable to pursue it. Why? Read on... Males' nature will explain why.
Males are designed to be hunters. They love excitement. They are designed to chase. Challenge brings out their masculine strength. When there's no chasing, it becomes boring to them. When there's no challenge, there's no excitment. This is why when something captures their heart, they will never stop. They will never give up. The more the challenge the harder they work. When males don't pursue something, it simply means, it hasn't captured their heart.

Personal Feelings
Accepting and wanting are two different things. When I'm given a gift, I'd appreciate it. I'd ACCEPT it wholeheartedly. When I WANT something, I'd always look for it. I'd even work hard for it. I'd never be satisfied. If I don't get what has captured my heart, I can go on with life wholeheartedly ACCEPTING what comes but I'm sure I'll never be as happy as when getting what your heart really WANTS. Men are lucky for they are designed to chase after what they really want. 

Sad truth especially for women, sometimes, we've found that one thing/person with je ne sais quoi. Something/someone that captured our heart. But women aren't hunters. Sometimes, we just have to be contented and creative enough in making use of whatever/whoever hunted or chased us. In relationships, females can chase for a while, but eventually they'd get tired. Not for men. They   are born hunters and have strong instincts to chase all throughout their lives. It's what gives them excitement!

I Don't Know What: the literal meaning
I don't want to think or feel anymore. It's just so exhausting! For unlucky ones, sometimes, finding something/someone with je ne sais quoi should just be concluded as I don't know what! 
***Inspired by reading the book "Why Men Love Bitches."