Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Thanks, 2013! Hello, 2014!

2013 was tough. It was one hell of a roller coaster ride. Instead of being bitter about everything that has happened, I'd rather be thankful because I know something great is in store for me this 2014. To sum the whole year up, it was all about "LESSONS." Yes, I know it's a boring cliche to be blogging about the lessons I've learned, but putting them into writing would hopefully make me remember them all throughout my life. So, here are the top 10 lessons:

1. Listen to your intuition no matter how unbelievable it may seem. Ignoring your instincts will harm you.

2. Bear in mind that people, emotions, circumstances, beliefs & dreams change. So never hold on to the past nor the present because they will be different tomorrow.

3. Have fun but never compromise your values & principles because in the end, consequences can break & destroy you. Worse, your guilt will haunt you forever. 

4. Loosen up! Stressors shouldn't be taken seriously. Spend more time in what matters most-- God, family, friends, yourself & others because they are what gives us real happiness.

5. Never ever get out of your way for other people because people who will stay in your life are those who are meant to travel the same road with you. Just make sure that you don't get lost & that the memories & lessons are worth the delay if you stop, detour or go back for them. 

6. If life gives you lemons, you have the choice either to take it all in & suffer from the extreme sourness, or, make lemonade out of it. Life, indeed, is how you make it!

7. The heart is indeed deceptive above all things. Who can trust it? Our safeguard against its deception is sticking to the truth that love is a principle. 

8. We don't meet people by accident. Some are meant to teach us lessons. Some of them will stay only for a season. Either we change their life or they change ours. One thing for sure is that they cross our path for a reason.

9. God has a good future prepared for us. What we've been through are supposed to prepare, strengthen & enable us for something greater. What's not good for us will be taken away since we aren't supposed to settle with mediocrity.

10. Worthy things don't come easy. Anything valuable & priceless requires effort, time, prayers and perseverance. As they say, "Easy come, easy go!"
My favorite 2013 photo because the:
*eyes tell of what the heart & soul has been through
*smile is for being a survivor
*uniform depicts poise under pressure
*bangs represent constant, unceasing change
I'm excited for 2014! I'm facing it with a smile, high hopes, new productive habits and more love. Bring it on, 2014!

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